Friday, March 30, 2007

What Matters

I am coming to realize that I am basically a principalist. I am not interested in acting out every commandment that the Bible seems to list, the list would quite frankly drive most of us silly. But rather I would like to look at what drives those commandments. What is behind the commandments.? What is God trying to tell us about Himself and His will for our lives? I think Jesus put it the most simply in what we refer to as the "Great Commandment" passage; just that everything boils down to loving God and loving our neighbors. Sometimes we refer to this as the law of love.
Obedience is something that God wants from us. We have lots of list of commandments that we can try to follow (under the old covenant and in the New Testament), in our attempt to show our love and respect for God, OR we can instead give Him our hearts and try to live obediently by the Spirit day by day.
Let me give you an example... unfortunately it is how I failed to obey, but still. We are encouraged in the book of James to give to widows and orphans, or rather care for them. On more than one occasion I have been walking along the boulevard when I felt like God was telling my by His Spirit to give all that I had in my pocket or wallet to an old woman who had caught my eye. Now on two of those occasions, I just happened to have a large sum of money and was on my way to either buy something or to pay someone for what I owed. So of course my response was "I can't give them my money... I need it to pay..." both times I walked past the old woman and missed a chance to obey God's higher call. I know from the Scriptures that God cares about the widows and the orphans and on many occasion I have given change or small bills out of my pocket to those who where begging, thinking I was showing God's heart towards these people. But I feel convicted by my passing by these other "grandmothers" or as they call them here babushkie. They were not begging for money. They were just sitting on a bench, and God had pointed them out to me. I pray that God will offer me other opportunities to be faithful and to share what He has given me to bless others with. I don’t want to look at the money I am entrusted with as mine but rather His. He provides for my needs and I in turn am to use that money to further His Kingdom and His purposes, not just to make my life easier or more comfortable.
The principle I see at work here is that God is more concerned about the state of my heart (The true inner man) than He is about the comfort of this fleshly vessel I reside in. I pray that my next opportunity will show that I trust God, more that I trust money.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Who am I

So like, I wonder what I will say today.... Well like I am kinda of a Heritic. I like believe the things that Jesus said about how we should live in this life. The church (His bride) has strayed far from the mark. They have become like the Pharasees who make it so hard for people to know God, or they make God so ungodlike, that no one can recognize him. So what do I have to say.... Shape up church... ouch that refers to me too. I am saved, by grace, but I have entered into a new life. I must run the race, fight the good fight and work out my salvation with fear and trembling....
So Like why am I a heritic (or however you spell that)? I don't believe in onced saved always saved... I don't believe that the KJB (a.k.a the Authorized Version) is the only enspired English translation. I'm not into creeds, but I am not into cheep grace either, I don't believe in a works salvation, but salvation/faith without works is dead. I don't believe that Jesus died on the cross so we can live selfish self consumed lives.... He actually expects his people to do something!!!!!!!!! And I am not refering to just the paid clergy. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit living in them. Every Christian has been given some sort of gift or talent, and not putting those gifts to work is a stinking crime. Now I now that people may take a while to discover their gifts, or maybe God calls people to sit out for a while, but shoot you can't go to church for 20 years and be a do nothing Christian and expect a "Good and Faithul Servant" greeting from the Master at the end of your life... So have I irritiated enough of you???? I hope so. I have plenty more to say... but when and what is up to debate and up to the Holy Spirit.... Yes there is a third person in the Trinity and He is alive and well, working in us so long as we aren't doing our level best to quench Him.
What do I believe....

1. Every Christian needs to have a vital and growing relationship with their creator... and the church building is not the place for that. It is like a 24/7 thing. If we want to know Him, we have to spend time with him. When is the last time you picked up your Bible. When it the last time you made time to listen to Him? Think about it!!!!! How are you going to know Him or know His Will if you don't spend time in His love letter and try to listen for His still quite voice? Don't just depend on a paid preacher... some are good, some just tell you what your iching ears want to hear

2. Every Christian needs to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the making of Fruit of the Spirit. Our lives should reflect the Glory of God. We should walk in peace, both with our brothers and sisters and with the people outside the His body.

3. Every Christian has a story to tell about God's grace at work in his or her life. We all need to be sharing these stories with other believers, family friends, coworkers and just about anyone willing to listen. People don't need a canned salvation message, they need to hear that God is alive and kicking and that your lives reflect that truth.

4. Every Christian has been given gifts by the Holy Spirit. These need to be employed both in the body for the commen good of God's people, but also in the world. Jesus' ministry reached all kinds of people, not just churchy types. In fact He was more enclined to go where modern Christians don't want to go... bars, the red lite district, etc...

After that I think its mostly up for debate, and Christians waste too much time debating debatable things.... How about God's people just love each other, love their enemies and get on with it.

Okay... nuff said for now....

In Him,
Alan J. Beckett
Missionary to Ukriane and beyond.