Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rethinking things

Hey friends, I have been working in another direction as of late.  If you don't know I have been teaching for a Ministerial School started by our new home church.  Right now I am in the process of teaching "The Biblical Theology of Missions" for the second time, while trying to come up with more info on "The Human Condition"  I am trying to decide if an Online classroom is more my style.  I am not the best English student and so sometimes my ideas get a bit muddled in the process of tying to put them into a blog.

So if you are interested I have started an account with  You can check on one of my courses at the following link New Life Bible Study Introduction. It is something I have taught before, but never finished, but I hope to have all dozen or so classes online and available in the next few months before I visit Ukraine again.  I hope this will give me the kind of experience I will need to continue teaching this way.

Preacher Al

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