Xenophobia should not be something that afflicts Christians. In Christ our national origin becomes irrelevant. The language we speak is irrelevant. Christ is the only thing that is relevant. He is the center of our focus, not the national origin or language spoken by those around us. Don't let the devil distract you from the most important thing. Following Christ and loving others as Christ has loved you.
How does whining and I stress the word WHINING about whether a person speaks English or not, glorify God? It doesn't! Instead it just shows your pettiness and your lack of understanding of Christ and what He has done for us all. When you complain that someone doesn't speak your language, its like saying, "Go to Hell you foreign devil, you cannot be saved unless you speak my language!" The arrogance, the hubris of such a statement/attitude affronts and infuriates me. Do you really think that God cares whether America is the greatest nation or not? If you do, you have been conned by the devil. God seeks to unite his children it's the devil who finds all kinds of ways to divide us. The devil wants to make us think that everyone who is not like us is somehow unworthy of God. He wants us to hate our neighbors and complain about them and withdraw from getting to know them. The devil even wants to pit Christian against Christian so that we will not be about doing God's work. Whining and complaining is not of God, it's of the devil, no matter how right you think you are.
Even in Solomon's time, people tried to set themselves above others. Often they did so by thinking they were better than others because of their wealth. But God spoke through His Word and told us that whether we are rich or poor, we are still made in the image of God. This runs true for national origin, race and language. The apostle Paul told us in his letter to the church in Galatia, that national origin was irrelevant in Christ and even gender was irrelevant in Christ. Not that their are not differences, but rather the most important thing is to be united in Christ. Christ died once for all. He didn't die just for English speakers or for Hebrew speakers or Russian speakers. He died so that we would no longer have to rail against our brother and sisters in Christ. He paid for the sins of every person born and yet to be born. He died so that we would become subjects of the Kingdom of God, wherever we might live and whatever language we might speak.
Speaking English or living in America doesn't make you any more deserving of God's grace and mercy than anyone else in the world. Christ didn't die for the American flag. He didn't die for English language. He died so that every person in every land and of every language could be set free of the burden of sin and made free to live for Him regardless of where they call home. He died, was resurrected and sent us the Holy Spirit so that we would be free from hatred and distrust and so that we would be free to love others as Christ loves us.
If you want to be a whiner and an complainer, then why should you call yourself a follower of Christ? At best you are a secular Christian (lukewarm and not much good for anything) at worst you are totally self-deceived and don't even know Christ.
Just some thoughts
- When we dismiss or degrade other people we dismiss and degrade God; they are made in His image.
- When we complain about the diversity of people we complain about God who created that diversity.
- Which do you put first in your life, the Cross of Christ or your national flag?
- Is it a sin to speak a language other than English in America?
- If the greatest law is loving God and loving our neighbors how is resenting others because they don't speak English loving them?
- America use to be a place where we welcomed the poor and the downtrodden, now we complain about them.
- The Christian inspirational teacher Zig Ziglar suggests that we shouldn't let negative people rent space in our minds, I am thinking why should I let complainers, rent space on my Facebook page?
- Is it wrong for people to seek gainful employment in another country so that they can better things for their children? Is it morally wrong for them to illegally enter the United States so that they could secure a better future for their children? Is it morally wrong for them to be willing to work more for less?
- If you want to go Old Testament on me, did you ever consider that God's Word says that we are not to treat foreigners differently than our own people
- Bemoaning things that upset you is not being Light.
- When we worry about how others will affect us then, according to Christian author and psychologist Larry Crabb, we are guilty of "The Sin of Self-protection"
If I have offended you, tough! The offense is all yours. Nowhere in the Bible does is say to take offence against a brother or sister. I am just telling you the truth in love. If you don't like it you can go right to my Father and He will explain it to you.
Christ said that we would be know by our love. Judging others or complaining about them because they speak another language that you don't understand is not demonstrating love, it is only demonstrating how little love you have in you. For my part I have learned to speak another language so that I can reach people for Christ. I am now qualified to teach people English as an ESL instructor. What are you going to do to show "foreigners" (a.k.a. your neighbors) the love of Christ?
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