November 5, 2008
The Election is over… now our job begins
Okay, America has its first “black” president. I don’t have a problem with that. I do have problem with what he stands for, but like it or not for the next four years he is going to be the president of America and he is going to have a Democrat dominated congress to help him ram though every bill that is on the Democrat’s agenda. I weep for my nation, I weep for all the killing that will continue and will be even be made easier in abortion clinics.
But didn’t the Christians of the first century have an even more difficult time. Their meetings were antithetical with regard to Roman law. The emperor of Rome was god, and Christians denied that. Many where killed in horrible ways to sate the hate of the Roman empire for these people who loved God and loved each other. So Christian’s I guess its time to repent for our short sightedness; to repent for not praying for our nation. I don’t like what the Democrats stand for, but I also don’t always like that the Republicans stand for. I guess I would be more like a southern Democrat of the 1960’s. I hate that America as so little regard for the unborn Americans. We have reclassified them as non-humans to we can rid ourselves of them; so that we don’t have to be responsible for our actions. We have done to them what Hitler did to the Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Ukrainians and anyone else he didn’t like. I hate that America has worked at redefining marriage to include same-sex marriage. But here we are with all these people in control of our country. We can shake our fists at those who voted them in office. We can shake our fists at those in office. But it comes back to us; were we obedient to God’s commandments and Jesus’ great commission in America? I think sadly, no we were not! We failed to impact our country with the Gospel message. We have been convinced that some how people should come to us (in our churches) for the answers, when Jesus said, “Go and make disciples.” I really don’t think we have made many disciples. We have lots of church attendees, but few true disciples, because we leaders in Christ’s church have convinced ourselves that if we just preach good enough and have great services and cool programs that some how we will impact the world. Sorry, it’s going to take a lot more people than us. And it’s not programs of preaching that changes lives it’s Jesus Christ working in and through his Holy Spirit that will change us. He won’t change us into Republicans or Democrats. He will change us into the people of God who love Him, who love each other and who love our neighbors so much we wouldn’t want them to live without Him.
Okay, I have ranted enough. I guess I am just frustrated by the challenge that we now face in this nation. But God is bigger than any challenge we face if we will just set our own agendas aside and submit ourselves to His will for us. Don’t know that it is… Seek it and you shall find it… Knock and the door will be opened. God wants us to both seek Him, and to respond to Him, while He Himself reaches out to us. This election’s doesn’t mean God is powerless. It doesn’t mean that the devil has won. But it does mean that for those of us who think life is precious, that we are concerned about what the future holds. Let us all pray and seek God’s face and pray for our new president-elect that God will convict him of any wrong thinking or any wrong motives and will grant him the wisdom he needs to lead our nation with integrity and honor.
“The heart of the King is in the hand of the Lord.”
In Him,
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