Friday, December 4, 2009

Just another day

God is so good. He continues to be faithful to us no matter what the world is doing or what other people are saying. I trust my Father in heaven to watch over me day and night. I trust that I can turn to him in times of trouble. My God in heaven cares ever so much more for me that I can ever imagine or think. That doesn't mean I always get what I want. That doesn't mean that life isn't hard. But I know He is for me and not against me. I know that I have His Spirit within me. I know that He regularly uses me to accomplish His will. He speaks to me and through me. I am so blessed to know that God cares for me. He cared enough to send Jesus to die for me. God is so good. So this may be just another day, but a day serving my Lord is better than 10,000 other days. I don't long for riches or fame. I just want to be somewhere that I can serve Him, and do His will. I pray that you too will experience the Goodness of God and His grace and mercy as you walk along the path...


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