So I am this missionary dude, who lived in Ukraine. I worked with an group of American's and Ukrainians dedicated to seeing all of Ukraine evangelized in our life time. I like to rant and rave occasionally. That is why a good friend created this space for me. So I can express my self and then give others a chance to reply. Currently I am seeking out God's purpose for my wife and I in our new home of Las Vegas.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tit for Tat
The Bible says “Vengeance is mine!” says the Lord. To often I want to extract my vengeance albeit a small revenge, but its all the same. How often to we do this. If someone calls us a bad name we feel obliged to do the same. If someone points out our sin, we have to make sure that they know about their sin too. Its not pretty and I find it at work in all around me. I find it at work in me! I must confess it is sin. I have this kind of self-righteous, thinking I am deserving of fair treatment kind of righteousness. I know this attitude is not of God, yet too often I hear it all around me in the body of Christ.
I’ll really try not to beat up on too many of you, as Jesus calls me to get the log out of my own eye first, before worrying about the speck in my neighbors eye. But I have noticed that I have this log in my eye so as I pull my log out will help you maybe see your own.
I know it is a worldly attitude that we get growing up. We all learn about retaliation in its various forms. Some people are bullish about it. They force their ways, they hit, they, shove, they name call, they insult, they shame others, all so they can feel like they got theirs in. Others of us are less obvious but just a ugly. We are passive-aggressive. We never do anything overt, but we still find a way to ignore someone’s request or find some excuse not to help. These kinds of little revenges are pitiful, but still just as sinful in nature. The Bible encourages us to love others, consider others’ needs above our own. We are called to love our enemies and forgive those who transgress against us. Yet as I look in the mirror, I am struck by this part of me that is not of God. This part that says I have the right to payback wrong for wrong. It says, if someone sins against you… return them the favor. Now I know it is wrong to act that way. I know this is not the mind of Christ, but yet there is this part of me that says, well that’s how it is. Its okay to smack someone who smacks you. It is okay to take someone to court who wrongs you, but that is the world speaking. It is not Christ speaking. I want to follow in the foot steps of my Master, but it is hard sometimes; hard because I don’t want to repent of my sinful attitudes, I don’t want to trust in His ways, I want to trust in the ways I have learned to live. I think somehow I am deserving of a self-empowered justice. Its only fair isn’t it?God isn’t fair as we understand fair. He is just. He does what is right, He repays wrongs, but He also forgives the sinner. Just because we think we are deserving of something doesn’t mean it fits into God’s idea of justice.
“Its not fair Mother!” the teenager cries, “All the other girls got the new Ipod Nano. Mine only has 10 gigs, theirs have 40!” But is it fair that other children cannot even afford food and basic needs. Our sense of fairness is so self-centered. How often do we really think about justice in the sense that God does. He cares about the widows and the orphans, do we. He cares about the homeless and prostitute do we? Do our lives reflect His sense of justice or is it just about us getting either what we want or what we think we deserve or need?
Okay where was I? Okay so I recognize that in me is this need to get my way, to even get even with others over minor things. It really bothers me when I see people driving recklessly; especially in residential districts. I would like nothing better than the citizens of my neighbor hood to take up all the chestnuts that fall every autumn and carry some with them so that when ever they say a car driving recklessly (too fast or blowing through an intersection or crosswalk) they could take those chestnuts and throw them at those drivers. It would make a part of me so happy, but I know its not the Jesus way. We are shown repeatedly in the New Testament that the only way to overcome evil is with good. Even in proverbs it says “A kind word turns away wrath.” Revenge, even in the smallest things is not really Christian. Its worldly and we are called to not walk as the world walks. And as we know little things lead to bigger things.
I’m a pastor and I have seen lots of ugly behavior on the part of Christians and they talk that like they are in the right and are justified. It makes me sad. I have seen spouses commit adultery because they were convinced their own spouse was already committing it. I have seen Christians take Christians to court. This is a huge no no. I have seen men and women trade insults back and forth in this kind of tit for tat kind of pattern. Its not pretty people, but it has been engrained in us by this world system. I ask you to join with me now and repent of this sinful thought pattern that says its okay to trade wrong for wrong. Its OF THE DEVIL! We are not called to live that way. We are called to forgive quickly, to not keep track of wrongs and to love others in a way that the world can’t comprehend. I can go on an on about this forever but lets just end it here. We don’t need this kind of attitude. Its not a Kingdom of God kind of attitude. Its an ugly, self-centered, me-first, worldly kind of thinking that only leads to death. Lets repent of it not only in the big things… but even in the littlest, seemingly innocent need to get even with our friends, neighbors and enemies.
Be blessed this day I prayIn Him,P.A.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
What do We Do
Now I can sit back and go, “Oh the pity, why don’t they know better?” or “Why do they live that way?” I’m sure there is some choice involved, but some of it is that they must feel trapped in the choices that those before them have made and the choices their parents have made and the choices they have made. Now we can sit in our white urban middle class homes and cluck our tongues going tisk-tisk, but are we any better as we chase after the dream of wealth and comfort. We may not murder our neighbors, but we sure seem to ignore them and pursue our own goals. Is not our ignoring the needs of our neighbors as condemning as those who are killing them?
I cannot speak with any authority to Americans in general, but I can speak to Christians with the authority of the Word of God and the testimony of the Holy Spirit. Jesus didn’t save us to live safe secure lives. He saved us to be instruments of His will in the world. How many Christians are really concerned for and therefore loving their neighbors? This is an important part of the great commandment. Jesus further redefined the term neighbor in the parable of the Good Samaritan. A good neighbor isn’t just one who looks after others like them, but a good neighbor is someone who takes care of those who might even hate him.
In the story of the good Samaritan, we sometimes forget the background. Jews and Samaritans where very divided about the place of worship. Jews hated Samaritans so much that the would walk miles out of their way to avoid going into Samaria. Sounds a lot like rich Americans and the inner-city urbane areas some people call ghettos. Well it is the despised Samaritan who helps a Jew in need. In this story Jesus shows that true love of neighbors knows no cultural, ethnic or territorial bounds.
I know I have a long way to go on this one. I have few friends of color. I currently live in a country that is very very predominately white, yet I encounter cultural differences that I too must learn to cross that I might show the love of my Lord and Savior Jesus.
Back the main point. Jesus wants us to love people regardless of how they view us and treat us. We WILL be persecuted for obeying Jesus. We WILL be ridiculed for following Jesus, but that’s okay. We’re in good company with all the saints that when before us. What isn't okay is living a life of ease and refusing to follow Jesus’ example by loving people that most religious people refuse to love. It’s a high standard, but Jesus doesn’t ask us to do anything He didn’t already show could be done and He gave us his Holy Spirit to empower us to do it. We are not in this alone. He hasn’t left us out to dry. He has in fact given us the dynamite to change the world around us. Its time we put it to work for His Name’s sake.
As Christians we aren’t called to be grumblers and complainers, but instead triumphant world changers. Not by purposely changing it, or by seeking to be world changers but by being obedient to God’s will, loving and offering salvation to all who will hear. And then teaching them then how to live as people of the Living God; teaching them how to love their neighbors and their enemies with courage, love and determination that flows out of a ongoing personal relationship with Our God and Savior.
Right now I am on the wrong side of the world to do much about this in America, but I pray that as I am praying for God’s will in this, that you too will pray and ask God, “What do you want me to do about this?”
How do we help the people of inner cities combat the real crimes? How do we help them to stop worshiping at the alters of personal power and personal glory? How do we change how we live to affect the lives of others for the better? Our lives cannot be about amassing wealth and creature comforts. Our lives cannot be about protecting ourselves from the “bad” people.
Our lives need to be defined in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Our lives need to exhibit the transformational work of the Holy Spirit. We cannot ignore the needs of our neighbors and call ourselves Christians. Jesus clearly stated in the end times judgment of the goats and the sheep that his people minister to the needs of the people around them, while those who just think they are His do not help their neighbors and therefore are not His people. If you have any problems with this I suggest you read the gospels a few more times and get back to me.
In His Love and by His Grace,
Friday, November 16, 2007
Day 16 of the National Blog posting month - Mentorship
Today I met with my friend who I have a accountability/mentorship relation with. It had been 3 weeks since we had last met. I was struck again how much it is needed; how much I needed it. I never had such a relationship growing up. I feel like I really missed something important. But I am grateful to have it now.
I think there was a day in America when fathers and sons, or older men and younger had these kinds of relationships... but then came the modern age where life became about the pursuit of wealth. Father's were conned into believing that their purpose in life was just to bring home the bread. And they abandoned the idea that their primary responsibility was to train up their children in the admonition of the Lord. "That was the churches job" and for those who have abandoned the church they leave their children's mores to be shaped by the culture we dwell in through television, movies, music and such. And they feel they have no choice because working hard for your money leaves you exhausted and then you have little time for your children. Some how we seek our value in our occupation and our ability to provide stuff for our children. And our children learn the lesson well and see their value in how much stuff they have, but one can never have enough stuff... because it never satisfies. So... Okay this has gone on long enough... I'll stop ranting now. It just gets me all spun up.
My value is found in the person of Jesus Christ. He is my all and all. I am glad to be man, a husband and even a father figure, but my value comes from my relationship with Him. Out of that bond, every other relationship can then be defined as either serving the purposes of the King do kings or not. Money doesn't make me great. Building great edifices doesn't establish my worth, but obeying God and reaching down to help one of the least does make me great. The greatest in the Kingdom of God is the servant of all. He who humbles himself in the sight of God will be exalted.
I am so glad to be in a relationship with another man which its primary goal is for us both to walk closer to God, to love with abandon and to obey God without question. We realize that it is a journey, but a journey that I will not willingly abandon. I want to be all that I can be in and for Christ Jesus. I want to lay my life down for anyone that God tells me to. I want to see all people the way He does... worth dying for instead of problems deserving of His wrath. I may not like every person I meet. I may not agree with everything that other people are doing, but I am called to love them, even those who would spit in my face.
I not quite there yet, but I know that this is the goal. I know this is what Christ has called me to in the example of His life. He has called me to love sinners and hate sin. He has called me to bless those who persecute me and provide for my enemies. What a challenge, but then God never asks us to do something unless He has already provided us with the resources to do it. We may not see it, but with obedience, we will reap a harvest.
Day 15 National Blog posting month
I am finding that I need to remember day by day, hour by hour, who I am in Christ. I spent a fair amount of my life living apart from Christ, now that I am living for him, my old habits try to assert themselves off and on. When I am living and knowing who I am... no matter what I face it seems doable. But when I am living in the ways of the flesh, suddenly it gets quite hard. Hmmm maybe there is a lessen here. I think that is what yesterday and today was all about. I was trying to persevere, but I was trying to do it in my own strength... much as I have lived most of my life. Today with a little encouragement for a little bird... a.k.a. Emily, I was reminded to look to Christ for my strength. I spent some time on my face in prayer. Spent another half hour or so in my prayer journal, declaring the truth of my life in Christ and wala... I'm doing better. I still have aches and pains. I still have the enemy after me.. but I am no longer weary of fighting him. I am no longer complaining about my situation. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am so grateful for my brothers and sisters in the faith who stand by me and remind me of who I am in Christ. I may not like it at the moment, but I have learned to listen when someone like my wife says, "What are you confessing? Is it life or defeat? What are you hearing, is it the voice of the accuser, your own voice or the voice of the Good Shepherd? What are you believing?"
Jesus says his sheep will know his voice. I know the voice of my Lord and Savior. I know what He would say to me. So then... whose voice will I listen to. Sometimes we just repeat what we are use to hearing or saying. I heard it said that our brain is stupid, it only believes what you tell it, and you only feel what you think? So what are you listening to? What are you repeating to yourself? Are you repeating how defeated you are or are you repeating that you are a child of the King and that He has redeemed you for his purposes through Jesus Christ? We believe what we are told. If someone... especially someone in a parental role has told us we are junk, then we may find ourselves believing it. In my case that wasn't the case. I don't know why I ended up believing I was defeated and couldn't do much, but I did and it is that voice that all to often comes back to haunt me. Some days I choose, out of habit, to believe it. This morning I was in such a place. Now I am not. A sister in Christ, spoke the truth over me and now I am giving the devil a dose of God's truth... I am more than an overcomer. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am the Lord's beloved. He has paid for ALL my sins. He will not allow anyone or anything to pluck me out of his hand. Nothing can separate me from His Love. Nothing I face or struggle with is anything different from what other people struggle with and God is faithful, He will help me when I struggle and help me find a solution so escape it.
So having said all this.. be encouraged... If God is for you who can stand against you. If neither angels or demons can separate you from the Love of God, do not fear. Even if your feelings or the voices in your head are telling you different, stand firm, declare the truth and overcome all that opposes you. You are a child of the King. You are victorious in Christ. Your future is assured in Him, so remain in Him. He is our Lord. He is our Savior. Submit to Him, declare your position in Him, and resist the devil and he MUST flee from you! Be encouraged again I say. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it.
In Him,
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Is life getting you down... then I suggest you consider turning yours over to the real life giver. To the one who made you and who knows what is best for you.
May you experience the joy of service and the blessing of God's favor. With Love...P.A.
OBTW I also post on Myspace under preacheral
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Thoughts about Home makers... (Day 3 of 30 Bloggathon)
Okay, where to start...
I spent 22 years in the Navy with my wife mostly staying at home. She had odd jobs, but it wasn't until the last few years of my Naval career that both of us where working regular. But in all that time I pretty much expected my wife to carry the torch when it came to taking care of the house hold chores and such. Oh I vacuumed here and there and did the odd dish and pan, but for the most part it was her job. Well now we live in Kyiv, Ukraine, my wife get's up every morning at 5:00, I make her breakfast, and lunch and send her off to work. I work out of the house. I do my writing on the household computer and run out for the odd mentorship meeting with some of the guys I am training. Now I am not doing all the work, cause we have Emily living with us, but I do a fare share of dish washing. And I must say my appreciation for those people (mostly women) who have stayed home to take care of the house has risen greatly. It is a never ending job that just seems to recreate itself every few hours. Its tedium and messy. Some times its quick, like after lunch, and sometimes its quite lengthy like after a big dinner. So to all you who keep the fires stoked and keep the kitchen clean... Good on ya.
Now this also led me to think about what it was like some 200 years ago, which isn't hard, because many of the villages around here currently aren't much better than turn of the century (19th-20th) were in the US. No running water, outside toilets, Brick stoves for heating and cooking.
So my point is this... could you imagine doing dishes without running water and without detergent. Can you imagine life without disposable sponges and paper towels. Could you imagine trying to clean dishes with a dish rag that hadn't been washed in a week or more. Could you imagine all the food particles and stuff that could accumulate around your kitchen if you didn't get down and scrub the wooden floors regularly. Could you imagine the smell that might be emanating from such a kitchen? Oi!
So that is my blog for the day... just something to think about it and how blessed you are to have all the modern western conveniences!
Have a blessed day
In Him,
Preacher Al
Friday, November 2, 2007
Day 2: Bloggathon
Today has been a banner day. After a conversation with my wife, I had a revelation... on something I should have known already! Shoot Pastor Bob just preached on this a few weeks ago. But apparently it needed to be said again.
It is simply this... If God asks you or requires you as a Christian to do something... like love your wife, obey Him, give to the poor... HE has ALREADY placed the capacity in you.
So many times of recent I have found myself praying for what I should have already had. I guess its time to claim the truth of who I am in Christ and what He has done for me and get busy doing what He has given me to do!
I got like 5 hours sleep and I wide awake and ready to tackle whatever God or life hands me to day. I can say yes to God and no to sin. I can love those who are unlovable. I can forgive the unforgivable and I can do what seems impossible in my own flesh, because my Savior has already given everything I need for life and godliness. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. And if I hear anything different... I know that it isn't coming from my heavenly Father, but from the prince of lies!!!
God is good and so is this day... This is the day HE has made and I am rejoicing in it!!!!
Have a blessed day, and may you get the revelation of all that Christ has done for you too!
a.k.a. Preacher Al
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Living with Christ Category: Life
You see I unfortunately many of the western Christian Missionaries I have met are more concerned about their personal comfort and security than they are in spreading the Gospel! OUCH I felt that too. Too many want to have a really comfortable base of operations from which they can "do the work of the ministry." But so often they seem caught up in making sure they have the latest and greatest technology. And when they leave do they give it to some one less fortunate and emulate the principles of Christ's Kingdom???? No they try to sell it and get as much as they can for it. Part of my angst with this is the realization of my own lack of faith. I think that I need the best and fastest computer to do my work. I thought I needed a PDA (a.k.a Palm computer). I think I need a roof over my head and lots of food on the table… but you know there are 100's of millions of Christians living without those things, and God loves them and he provides for them. HE is more interested in their eternal salvation and status than He is in minor comforts…
I know my God loves me. I know He provides for me, but too often I find I am complaining that I don't have enough cool stuff to do my work. Actually I have more than I need. I can write, I have pens and I can buy paper if needed. The computer can be helpful but it can also rob me of valuable time when it decides to act up.
So where am I going with this? I hope and pray that more of us Christians could catch the kind of attitude that I saw in this young woman who blessed our home the other evening. I feel so blessed to know her and I am blessed by the example of her faith and her trust in our Father in Heaven.
So the next time you find you saying, "I need 'such an such'", take a step back and consider what you really need… Jesus. You have his love and his salvation… everything else is gravy. Most of us could stand missing a meal or two and a night sleeping on the street might teach us how much we have and how blessed we are in material wealth. But if all that vanished tomorrow. If our world was suddenly turned upside down and we had no food, no job and no place to live, that wouldn't mean that God had stopped loving us or that our eternal salvation had been taken from us. All's it would mean would be that our lives would be temporarily uncomfortable and maybe hard. But compared to the all the Christians around the world that are facing death every day because of their Muslim neighbors who hate them, we would still be living a relatively sedate Christian life.
May you experience a true sense of God greatness and love this week. Praying that you too could be released from the bondage to materialism and the need for creature comforts…
In Christ,
Your brother and friend,
Monday, April 23, 2007
More thoughts on VT Shooting
Quite frankly I cannot understand hate crimes… It just seems like such a waste of my time and energy to be hating other people. I dislike some of their choices, but to hate the person is like hating their Creator.
Anyway back to VT shooting and Cho Seung-Hui. Many people knew he had problems. He had been hospitalized. His teacher reported him because of the graphic and dark nature of his writing and yet it seems no one was able to stop this young man. His sister loved him. His parents are at a loss. What happened?
One source is stated at some point in his suicide letter he had gone on and on about rich students. This is reminiscent of a book I read by Dallas Willard "Divine Conspiracy", were he noted that even at Christian Colleges, the rich tended to treat the poorer students without respect. Now I don't want to take this too far, but what, if any, efforts were made by the Christian community on campus to reach this young man?
My wife told me she had read that the Campus Crusade for Christ, people had tried to befriend him, but to of no avail. So were all those students then just condemned to die because Cho Seung-Hui was somehow unreachable? I think not.
In the 13th chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul, tries to impress on his readers the importance of love. Not the "love your mama" love or "love your girlfriend" love, but the Love that proceeds from the very heart of God; agape love. In the midst of this Paul states that Love never fails. I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and if it says, "Love never fails," then I am inclined to believe it. But if we fail at loving, it doesn't mean that God's love is failing. God's love is not based upon our pride or our feelings, but rather it is a decision to trust God and treat other people like they are made in His image and worthy of respect. We don't wait to give people respect. They don't have to earn it, as Christians we should just give it, regardless or how we are treated.
People tried to diagnose and maybe fix Cho Seung-Hui, but who really tried to love him outside of his family. And I am sorry, telling him about the four spiritual laws doesn't count. Telling him he needs Jesus may not really count either. Who said to him, "Wow, you really seem to be having a bad day, do you want to talk?" And then didn't just give up when he pushed them away or refused their help. I am not blaming the Christian campus community for what happened, but I am asking, did it do all it could do. Did it try to love Cho Seung-Hui, or did it just see him as an aberrant, disturbed, boy, who should be shunned?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Virginia Tech
What if a couple of God fearing, born again, Christians had befriended this young man. Too often I have seen Christians take the “Ooh, what horrible sinners and people they are… let’s stay away from them.” We are encouraged by the Apostle John to walk the way Jesus walked. And Jesus hung out with prostitutes, sinners and tax collectors; basically all the people that good religious people would avoid.
So think about it, what kind of effect could some godly love have had on this young man? From what little I have heard, he sounds tormented and tortured, emotionally and mentally. So who was it that came to bind up the broken hearted and to release the captive? Maybe some “real” Christians could have made the difference and turned him from a path of destruction.
This really makes we want to rant and rave about how we have turned Christianity into this exclusive club and we want to keep all the “unworthy” people, or people who make us uncomfortable out of the club. Christianity is not just for rich people, or white people. It is a religion born out of God’s love for all people. A love that was expressed in the person of Jesus Christ. A love that was displayed in the life of Jesus Christ. We can display that love when we embrace “difficult” people and love on them instead of demanding our rights to be treated fairly. This side of heaven there are no guaranties that anyone will treat us fairly. We are only admonished to treat all people with kindness and love; even our enemies. So Christians, take this as a wake up call. The few chances you take in loving people, the more chances that people like this young man how killed all those people at VT, will rise up again and again.
But I do warn you don’t approach such people by yourself. Make sure to take a buddy/prayer partner. Jesus sent his guys out two by two.
Monday, April 16, 2007
What's wrong with Christ's Bride?
But I was stuck by the hopelessness of their position. I was stuck by their conclusions about what they read in the bible. On one side I could see where they were coming from. But they fail to address the real question…..
Why is the world in such a mess or why are we humans in such a mess.
We know something is wrong with the world. We know something is wrong with us. We don't have to look far. We just know some things are wrong. Theft, murder, unfaithfulness, child-molestation, hate, war, drug abuse etc.
We of the religious community (an honor I am dubious about) claim to have the answers, but yet when the world around us looks at us, we are no better. We point our fingers at the world and say you are the problem. We say things like Jesus is that answer, yet do our actions really show.
Okay back to the main point here. How do we engage these people in discussion or address their concerns; do we even consider trying? Their remarks are inflammatory and often send us off the deep end. Yet if I have faith in God above through our Lord Jesus, should anything really shake me? Can I lead them back to God, or are they a lost cause. If I engage in discussions with them will I be led into the same pit that they have fallen into?
I am convinced that one of the major reason these people have turned their backs on God and his Church is Christians themselves. When Gandhi was asked what it would take for him to become a Christian he answered.. "For Christians to act like Christ!" I don't see a lot of Christ-likeness in many Christians.
But all this does is make me ask more questions… Why are Christians so bad at living like Christ? Do they have any real faith, or are they/we just selling fire insurance? Is it a life transforming experience or a dead philosophy? I think we tend say it's the first, then sell the latter; the ultimate bait and switch. We claim to believe, we say we have the Bible, but we explain all the greater truths away. We make God powerless, even though we claim He is all powerful, then we say the Bible is supreme truth and explain away anything we do not like. We point our fingers at other Christians and say they are wrong. We say they are heretics, deceived, liberals, legalists or fundamentalists. Basically anything that keeps us from being in dialog with them, or allowing them to question our position. I really surprised Christ, hasn't just thrown up his hands and said, "I quit, they can all go to hell." But He loves us and died for us, now he is stuck with us. Not the best picture I can paint. We are His bride and He is not done with us.
I heard a sermon that touched on it part of the problem. We don't live by faith in God. We live by faith in the strength of our arm, or faith in our riches or faith in our intellect. We refuse to move into a realm where we might not be in control. We don't even have the faith of a mustard seed. I haven't seen to many mountains moved as of late. That is why His church has become so impotent and why so many are turning their backs on it. We are reminded in God's word about a time when men will become God haters… I think we have entered that age. The website I visited may just be the tip of the iceberg.
Have you ever heard of the burning man festival they have in the US. Basically a bunch of neo-pagans having this huge pagan feast and festival. I don't really want to got into to it here, but I read a comment in Christianity today that really struck me. They sent a reporter to it to find out why people go and what they think about Christians. Well the reported noted that most of the people attending this thing has been hurt by church folk, and had turned their backs on God because of those wounds.
So if you're still with me… I have to ask, "What are we doing to make the church more like what Jesus wants it to be?" In the beginning, most people liked Jesus, except the super religious types. If Jesus was at work in our churches wouldn't we see people flocking to them/us? Wake up church… Its not about the Sunday service! Its not about the building! It about us living out the principles that Jesus and his disciples laid down in the Gospels and the Epistles of the New Testament in our daily lives. If we aren't loving each other and loving our neighbors, how will anyone see "Christ in us the Hope of Glory?" If we are living lives of faith in God, were are the miracles to follow, where is the proof?
So why don't you tell me, "What are we to do?"
Monday, April 2, 2007
More Ranting and Raving
So what else can I rant about…. I sorry but you’ll just have to wait until the next issue
Friday, March 30, 2007
What Matters
I am coming to realize that I am basically a principalist. I am not interested in acting out every commandment that the Bible seems to list, the list would quite frankly drive most of us silly. But rather I would like to look at what drives those commandments. What is behind the commandments.? What is God trying to tell us about Himself and His will for our lives? I think Jesus put it the most simply in what we refer to as the "Great Commandment" passage; just that everything boils down to loving God and loving our neighbors. Sometimes we refer to this as the law of love.
Obedience is something that God wants from us. We have lots of list of commandments that we can try to follow (under the old covenant and in the New Testament), in our attempt to show our love and respect for God, OR we can instead give Him our hearts and try to live obediently by the Spirit day by day.
Let me give you an example... unfortunately it is how I failed to obey, but still. We are encouraged in the book of James to give to widows and orphans, or rather care for them. On more than one occasion I have been walking along the boulevard when I felt like God was telling my by His Spirit to give all that I had in my pocket or wallet to an old woman who had caught my eye. Now on two of those occasions, I just happened to have a large sum of money and was on my way to either buy something or to pay someone for what I owed. So of course my response was "I can't give them my money... I need it to pay..." both times I walked past the old woman and missed a chance to obey God's higher call. I know from the Scriptures that God cares about the widows and the orphans and on many occasion I have given change or small bills out of my pocket to those who where begging, thinking I was showing God's heart towards these people. But I feel convicted by my passing by these other "grandmothers" or as they call them here babushkie. They were not begging for money. They were just sitting on a bench, and God had pointed them out to me. I pray that God will offer me other opportunities to be faithful and to share what He has given me to bless others with. I don’t want to look at the money I am entrusted with as mine but rather His. He provides for my needs and I in turn am to use that money to further His Kingdom and His purposes, not just to make my life easier or more comfortable.
The principle I see at work here is that God is more concerned about the state of my heart (The true inner man) than He is about the comfort of this fleshly vessel I reside in. I pray that my next opportunity will show that I trust God, more that I trust money.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Who am I
So Like why am I a heritic (or however you spell that)? I don't believe in onced saved always saved... I don't believe that the KJB (a.k.a the Authorized Version) is the only enspired English translation. I'm not into creeds, but I am not into cheep grace either, I don't believe in a works salvation, but salvation/faith without works is dead. I don't believe that Jesus died on the cross so we can live selfish self consumed lives.... He actually expects his people to do something!!!!!!!!! And I am not refering to just the paid clergy. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit living in them. Every Christian has been given some sort of gift or talent, and not putting those gifts to work is a stinking crime. Now I now that people may take a while to discover their gifts, or maybe God calls people to sit out for a while, but shoot you can't go to church for 20 years and be a do nothing Christian and expect a "Good and Faithul Servant" greeting from the Master at the end of your life... So have I irritiated enough of you???? I hope so. I have plenty more to say... but when and what is up to debate and up to the Holy Spirit.... Yes there is a third person in the Trinity and He is alive and well, working in us so long as we aren't doing our level best to quench Him.
What do I believe....
1. Every Christian needs to have a vital and growing relationship with their creator... and the church building is not the place for that. It is like a 24/7 thing. If we want to know Him, we have to spend time with him. When is the last time you picked up your Bible. When it the last time you made time to listen to Him? Think about it!!!!! How are you going to know Him or know His Will if you don't spend time in His love letter and try to listen for His still quite voice? Don't just depend on a paid preacher... some are good, some just tell you what your iching ears want to hear
2. Every Christian needs to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the making of Fruit of the Spirit. Our lives should reflect the Glory of God. We should walk in peace, both with our brothers and sisters and with the people outside the His body.
3. Every Christian has a story to tell about God's grace at work in his or her life. We all need to be sharing these stories with other believers, family friends, coworkers and just about anyone willing to listen. People don't need a canned salvation message, they need to hear that God is alive and kicking and that your lives reflect that truth.
4. Every Christian has been given gifts by the Holy Spirit. These need to be employed both in the body for the commen good of God's people, but also in the world. Jesus' ministry reached all kinds of people, not just churchy types. In fact He was more enclined to go where modern Christians don't want to go... bars, the red lite district, etc...
After that I think its mostly up for debate, and Christians waste too much time debating debatable things.... How about God's people just love each other, love their enemies and get on with it.
Okay... nuff said for now....
In Him,
Alan J. Beckett
Missionary to Ukriane and beyond.