Friday, November 16, 2007

Day 16 of the National Blog posting month - Mentorship

Category: Life

Today I met with my friend who I have a accountability/mentorship relation with. It had been 3 weeks since we had last met. I was struck again how much it is needed; how much I needed it. I never had such a relationship growing up. I feel like I really missed something important. But I am grateful to have it now.

I think there was a day in America when fathers and sons, or older men and younger had these kinds of relationships... but then came the modern age where life became about the pursuit of wealth. Father's were conned into believing that their purpose in life was just to bring home the bread. And they abandoned the idea that their primary responsibility was to train up their children in the admonition of the Lord. "That was the churches job" and for those who have abandoned the church they leave their children's mores to be shaped by the culture we dwell in through television, movies, music and such. And they feel they have no choice because working hard for your money leaves you exhausted and then you have little time for your children. Some how we seek our value in our occupation and our ability to provide stuff for our children. And our children learn the lesson well and see their value in how much stuff they have, but one can never have enough stuff... because it never satisfies. So... Okay this has gone on long enough... I'll stop ranting now. It just gets me all spun up.

My value is found in the person of Jesus Christ. He is my all and all. I am glad to be man, a husband and even a father figure, but my value comes from my relationship with Him. Out of that bond, every other relationship can then be defined as either serving the purposes of the King do kings or not. Money doesn't make me great. Building great edifices doesn't establish my worth, but obeying God and reaching down to help one of the least does make me great. The greatest in the Kingdom of God is the servant of all. He who humbles himself in the sight of God will be exalted.

I am so glad to be in a relationship with another man which its primary goal is for us both to walk closer to God, to love with abandon and to obey God without question. We realize that it is a journey, but a journey that I will not willingly abandon. I want to be all that I can be in and for Christ Jesus. I want to lay my life down for anyone that God tells me to. I want to see all people the way He does... worth dying for instead of problems deserving of His wrath. I may not like every person I meet. I may not agree with everything that other people are doing, but I am called to love them, even those who would spit in my face.

I not quite there yet, but I know that this is the goal. I know this is what Christ has called me to in the example of His life. He has called me to love sinners and hate sin. He has called me to bless those who persecute me and provide for my enemies. What a challenge, but then God never asks us to do something unless He has already provided us with the resources to do it. We may not see it, but with obedience, we will reap a harvest.



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