Monday, November 18, 2013

A Winsome Response to Opposing Philosophies

In thinking about yesterdays sermon ("Stand Alone Click here for podcast)I was reminded of a time in  my life when my faith was challenged by the concept of "Separation of Church and State".  I was in my twilight tour in the Navy Serving the the capacity of  a division chief for the Firecontrol Rate Group at a Navy teaching facility.  I had about a dozen guys working for me.

One day I was accused by a young man of giving preferential treatment for people who attended my church (truth being only one person in my group attended my church).  As a result there was an investigation into Chief Beckett's behavior and leadership to determine the validity of this charge.  Long story made short - I was absolved of any wrongdoing but the word was that there would have to be an end to religious discussion in my rate group.  When I heard this, I was infuriated.  I was told that our AOIC (assistant officer in charge) had determined that this would be a case of separation of church and state and that I would no longer be able to speak about my faith at work.  I was all prepared to go to war about this.  The phase "Who shall I obey men or God?" was rolling around in my head.

But on the day the word came to me officially through the chain of command, the Holy Spirit stepped in and saved the day.  My immediate supervisor, a Master Chief, came to talk to me and the conversation went something like this.
"Chief Beckett" he began, "you are going to have to stop these religious discussions in you rate group as we feel this violates that mandates of "Separation of Church and State".
For some reason the response I had been rehearsing in my head for days failed to come out my mouth.  I instead I said the following, "Masterchief, I have a problem with this.  I know that in your office that you all like to talk about fishing.  Why is is that you can talk about what you want to talk about but we cannot talk about what we want to talk about?"
He looked at me, tilted his head and said, "Never mind."
That was that last I heard of it.  No one challenged the idea that we had religious discussions in my place of work ever again.

For me, this relates so much with how Pastor Ronnie shared the passage from Daniel chapter 1.  So often we want to either bow down to or attack the opposing view.  Daniel chapter one gives us a more Jesus like response to dealing with people of the world.  To me, it is sad that Christians are more often remembered for what they are against than what they stand for.  I am reminded of a article I read in Charisma magazine 10 or 15 years ago.  In the article the person writing the article went to the burning man celebration in southern California.  The overwhelming story was that many of these people attending the pagan festival were people who have been rough handled by Christians (or people professing to be Christians).  Too often in our zeal to promote our values or to defend God (who doesn't need our defense) we push others away from Him.

I pray that as I continue to walk with my Savior that I learn more and more how to demonstrate a winsome and attractive faith which is known for its love and mercy instead of a faith that takes a hard line and repels those who might other wise come to know God.  May they come to know the reality of my faith through the example of the mature fruit of the spirit evident in me; which no one can easily refuse.

Preacher Al

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