Saturday, November 14, 2009

Blogathon 2009 Day 14

Keeping an attitude of gratitude

I know that The Bible says to give thanks in our trials. That takes some doing, or rather it takes a change in thinking. So often I find my self thinking or wishing that difficulties would not come my way. When they do I tend to complain or to mope. The truth is that life will always send us trials and tribulations; Jesus promised us that. But we want a life without strife, where everyone agrees with us, where no one finds fault with us and we are perfect. But we are not perfect and neither is anyone else (although some would disagree with me on that). So what does one do? We take the advice of the writers of the Bible and we give thanks for what we have and we give thanks that God is sufficient for our needs. We may not get what we want, but giving thanks some how changes our attitude. When we don't get what we want and we focus on that, our continence falls; some people get depressed. But when we give thanks something happens in our hearts and our minds that lifts our spirits.

A friend of mine who lives here in Kyiv was telling me about how God has been blessing him. When he got married he had $3 in in pocket and no apartment. He still has not job, yet God continues to bless him through various individuals. Now he has an apartment and car. They were gifted to him by his unbelieving father-in-law. Most time when he thinks about it he is grateful. But if he is not careful, ingratitude and complaining slips in. He starts to think about what his car needs in the way of repairs and then the gratitude starts to slip away.

When I compare myself to the average person in the world I have so much more. I have a place that is warm and clean. I have running hot and cold water (even if the hot gets turned of here and there). I have a wife who loves me and I have a fulfilling occupation. I am so far above the average or median life of people all over the world, I have so much to be thankful for. But better than all of that is the fact that through Jesus Christ I have access to the God of all creation. Through Him I have been granted new life. Through Him I have a hope and a future that is not dependent upon personal comfort or the acquisition of things or people's opinion of me. My hope, my salvation, my future and my value are all found in my Saviors eyes. I have to much to give thanks for. But like my friend, I can begin to question the value of the gift I have received if I let my eyes drop.

So my plan, my prayer is to keep my eyes on my Savior, to give thanks in all situations and to enjoy this life that God has given me.

Blessings and thanks for reading

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