Monday, November 16, 2009

Blogathon 2009 Day 16

I am finding it a bit of a challenge to sit down and write something worth reading every day. Part of it has to do with the current situation in my life. Part of it has to do with my mind being somewhere else. Yesterday (day 15) was church day. Things didn't go smoothly. I was suppose to do the set-up before the services in time for the worship team to practice. BUT, I forgot my keys. SOOOOOO, I had to wait for someone to bring them. Emily hadn't left the house when I called so she was going to bring mine with her. M'md was on his way but wouldn't be there for like 45 minutes and I didn't have any helpers, so there wasn't much I could do but wait and pray. I must admit I could have been frantic and worried, how were we going to manage. Well, I just relaxed, talked to God and waited for the other folks to show up. It all went just fine. Of course there were lots of other little things to annoy me during the set up, but I just let it go and flowed with it.

Today I got to meet with a lawyer so that Emily could get registered. That went smooth. Then it was back home to prepare for tonight's Bible study. I had fun with that. I like coming up with questions to make the text relevant and to push those attending the study to look at things in new ways. What is funny is I don't often think of such questions unless I am doing a study. Its as if my gift will only work if I am teaching others. Hmmmm, isn't there something in 1 Cor 12-14 about the gifts being for the building up of others/the body?

The turn out at the Bible study was pretty good. We had about 15 people show up.
Now I need to start thinking about Thursday's bible study with the guys from central Asia.

Russian Lesson tomorrow, but still don't know if I will be doing any more training with the guys from Antioch.

So... that is all for now. Nothing profound. Just a typical day in the life of a missionary in Ukraine.

Thanks for reading....

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